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Professional scar treatment
Because every scar needs care
Silicone gel Silicone sheets
  • Reduces itching and pain

  • Scar becomes more flexible, flatter and less red

  • Scar formation is minimized

About Scarban

Scars disfigure your skin. The more severe the wound, the greater the chance of a scar (small or large). Take action: prevent or limit scarring as much as possible. This is exactly what Scarban medical silicone sheets and silicone gel do.

The scar-reducing effects of silicone are scientifically supported. Which is why the use of medical silicone sheets and gel has become the preferred therapy in professional scar treatment.

Use Scarban for

  • Normal scars
  • Burns
  • Surgery

During a symposium for oncology nurses I have gathered more information about Scarban. Scarban can be used until long after the operation (sometimes even 2 years later).


After my surgery (amputation), I started using Scarban. My scar was very red and swollen and this is already much reduced. I can therefore highly recommend it.


After my amputation I got such an ugly, tight, red scar that the plastic surgeon had to open it again to get it right. The plastic surgeon gave me Scarban plasters and the scar is now fine!

silicone therapy

How does silicone therapy work?

A scar loses more moisture than the healthy, surrounding skin. The body responds to this by sending stimulating healing factors to the scar tissue, allowing more connective tissue to be created. This can cause hypertrophic or keloid scars.

Covering the scar with a silicone sheet or gel reduces moisture loss to the same level as the surrounding skin. In response, the body stops making scar tissue. The result:

  • Your scar will become flatter and less red
  • The skin becomes more supple (less skin tension)
  • Scarring is minimized

More information about how SCARBAN works

Scarban silicone therapy