Types of scars

The more serious the wound, the greater the chance of a scar(s). It is a visible remnant of a wound. You can get skin complaints and there is a risk of an abnormal scar. You want to prevent and limit this as much as possible. Scarban takes care of that. The effect of silicone is scientifically substantiated and the preferred therapy in professional scar care.

Normaal litteken

Scar symptoms

The consequences of a wound can cause unpleasant discomfort. The skin loses more moisture than the normal surrounding skin. This can cause the following symptoms:

  • Itching
  • Redness (or purple skin)
  • The skin pulls
  • An abnormal scar: It becomes thick, hard or swells

The use of silicone leads to fewer complaints such as itching, redness and skin tension. It helps reduce the visibility of the marring. And is effective in the treatment and prevention of abnormal scars.

  • Less itching, pain and redness

  • Works for new and old scars

  • Protects and eases the skin

Scarban gebruiken

Scarban siliconen VERWIJDEREN

De gouden standaard voor littekenbehandeling


Normal scars

Normal scars are not thickened and do not have a (bright) red colour. However, they can itch, be painful and/or ‘pull’.

Hypertrophic scars

Hypertrophic scars are thick and stiff, protrude above the skin and are bright red. They are often itchy and painful and result from, for example, accident, fire and operation wounds.

Keloid scars

Keloid scars become larger than the original wound. They proliferate and give rise to the same complaints as hypertrophic scars. Keloid scars also result from, among others, accident, fire and operation wounds.


We vinden het belangrijk dat de claims die we doen goed onderbouwd zijn. De informatie is gebaseerd op diverse bronnen:

  • Monstrey S, Middelkoop E, Vranckx JJ, Bassetto F, Ziegler UE, Meaume S, T├⌐ot L. Updated scar management practical guidelines: non-invasive and invasive measures. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2014.
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